Welcome to SafeR HorseS

G’day, I’m Dr Lesley Hawson.

 I want you and your horse to be safer! 

Safer means less likely to be injured, less likely to get sick and less expensive!  It also means your time with them is more enjoyable for everyone.

I am a veterinarian with a PhD in equitation science but first and foremost I am a horse lover and horse owner. I KNOW what a bummer it is to have an injured horse or be injured by a horse.

I have had the good fortune to study with the best equine behaviour scientists in the world.

Through the magic of technology I can provide the training, treatments and resources that will make both you and your horse safer


Equine Behaviour Consultations

A horse offering unexpected or undesirable behaviour is not a safe horse.

I offer a suite of solution-oriented options from short problem-solving telephone consultations to full behavioural consultations via zoom or in-person if geographically convenient.

Solutions are tailored to you, your horse, and your personal circumstance.

Unsure? No problem. Book in for a tester consult where we can discuss your main problems and decide if we can work together. I guarantee that you will come away with at least one practical idea to help you out.